• Sat. Jul 6th, 2024

Expert anticipates a “bloody summer” with mosquito and tick plague during the European Championships.


Jun 7, 2024

Geesthacht (Schleswig-Holstein) – In the past, people used to enjoy picnics in nature by spreading out a blanket. A few annoying mosquitoes and the occasional wasp sting were the only side effects. However, forests and meadows have lost their innocence as experts now talk about an invasion of ticks that have even reached gardens in inner cities. Diseases like Lyme disease and TBE are spreading rapidly due to new species pushing their way into Germany with the help of warm winters and weather extremes, according to biologist Eike Brügmann (46).

The insect expert warns that a “bloody summer” is looming after the flood of the century. The conditions are perfect for mosquitoes to thrive, and Brügmann predicts that if the weather warms up even more, the death toll could be high, especially with the European Championships bringing hundreds of thousands of fans outdoors.

Brügmann also warns that summers with billions of bloodsuckers may become the norm, with dangerous exotic species like the Asian tiger mosquito and bush mosquito joining native mosquito species. This influx of mosquitoes could bring diseases like dengue fever, malaria, and the Zika virus. Ticks have also become a serious threat, with new and dangerous species like Hyalomma ticks spreading diseases like Crimean-Congo fever and tick-borne typhus.

Brügmann emphasizes the need for a clear strategy and effective remedies to combat these invasive species, as well as to protect against diseases transmitted by mosquitoes and ticks. Failure to do so could result in significant expenses in the future. The changing landscape of insects in Germany presents a new challenge that requires immediate attention and proactive measures to protect public health.


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