• Mon. Jul 1st, 2024

Exploring World War II through a virtual experience: Project mimics Google Maps to immerse users in the historical conflict


Jul 1, 2024

This project, known as KilRoy Trip, aims to immerse users in the events, places, and moments that marked the Second World War. It functions like a new Google Maps but focuses specifically on war-related sites. The project is described as a “virtual guide for memory tourism” and is run by a French organization. It is accessible through a link or by downloading the app for Android or iOS.

The purpose of the KilRoy Trip application is to promote the memory of places linked to the Second World War. It has 88 active collaborators and offers almost 3,400 points of interest with photos and descriptions across 13 categories. The project has been developed using OpenStreetMap, and users can search for points of interest by selecting a category or browsing the map.

In addition to KilRoy Trip, there is another similar page called World War Timeline Experiences, belonging to the American Battle Monuments Commission. This page provides a concise overview of historical facts related to the war and offers information and videos for each option. Both platforms serve as interactive maps that allow users to learn about history and visit remote places from another time.

Overall, these platforms demonstrate how interactive maps can be used as educational tools to explore and understand significant events like the Second World War. By providing detailed information and visuals, users can engage with history in a unique and immersive way.


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