• Sat. Jun 29th, 2024

Far-right Marine Le Pen leads polls as Emmanuel Macron fights for survival


Jun 28, 2024

As France approaches the final day of the election campaign, uncertainty looms over the country, coinciding with the arrival of summer. The National Regrouping, formerly known as the National Front under Marine Le Pen, is close to securing a strong majority in the polls. This potential outcome threatens President Emmanuel Macron’s authority and disrupts governability as the legislative elections approach.

Two days before the first round of legislative elections, polling shows the National Regrouping leading with 36% of voting intentions, followed by the New Popular Front at 27.5% and the presidential party at 20%. The Republicans are at 9%. The projections suggest that the National Regrouping could obtain a solid majority in the National Assembly.

However, uncertainties remain as the composition of the second rounds in the 577 electoral districts is yet to be determined. Political parties are giving voting instructions, but a significant portion of voters may not follow them. The prospect of a strong presence of far-right and revolutionary left forces in the National Assembly raises concerns among democrats.

The potential appointment of Jordan Bardella, a young figure in the far right, as prime minister if the National Regrouping secures a majority raises questions about the balance of power in the government. Bardella’s stance on defense, particularly regarding the war in Ukraine, could lead to significant clashes with Macron.

As details emerge about Bardella’s potential government plan, concerns arise among minorities, immigrants, and French citizens of Muslim descent. The rise of Le Penism threatens the status and security of these communities, prompting fears and even flight among some individuals.

The emotional turmoil and political tensions in the lead-up to the elections reflect a broader societal unease. The potential shifts in the balance of power and the implications for national policies, particularly in defense and immigration, are sources of deep concern for many in France. As the election approaches, the country grapples with a critical moment in its political landscape.


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