• Sun. Jun 30th, 2024

Father of Valeriia (9) suspects his daughter has been abducted


Jun 8, 2024

In the town of Döbeln in Saxony, a 9-year-old girl named Valeriia has been missing since Monday. She disappeared on her way to school, leaving everyone searching for her in fear and uncertainty for the past six days. Valeriia had fled from Ukraine with her mother and grandmother before the war, settling in Döbeln. Her father, Roman G. (32), stayed behind in Ukraine to fight against Putin’s troops.

Roman G. received an exceptional permit from the army when his daughter went missing, allowing him to travel to Germany to search for her. He believes that Valeriia has been kidnapped and has made a desperate video message appealing to her kidnappers. On the sixth day of her disappearance, Roman G. expressed his gratitude to everyone helping in the search and begged for the safe return of his daughter.

The last conversation Roman G. had with his two daughters before Valeriia went missing was filled with joy. Valeriia proudly shared her good school grades with her father and they talked about their plans for the upcoming summer holidays. A day after this conversation, Roman G.’s ex-wife informed him about Valeriia’s disappearance, leaving him feeling powerless and devastated.

Roman G. reached out to the German police himself to provide any information that could help in the search for his daughter. The police have not ruled out the possibility of kidnapping and are investigating all leads. The search continues intensively in Döbeln, with authorities questioning family acquaintances and searching properties without success so far. The desperate father is determined to find his daughter and bring her back home.


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