• Wed. Jun 26th, 2024

Financial Technology and Access Office Hours for August 20-22 and November 12-14


Jun 5, 2024

The National Credit Union Administration’s Office of Financial Technology and Access is offering office hours for credit union representatives, financial technology companies, and credit union associations to schedule time to discuss financial technology with the NCUA’s fintech and credit union programs. This initiative aims to address questions and concerns related to emerging technology in credit unions, fintech inquiries, financial inclusion through technology, and barriers experienced by credit unions and fintech companies when working together.

To participate in the office hours, stakeholders can submit a request by emailing fintechmail@ncua.gov with their organization’s name and the topic they would like to discuss. Meeting times will be limited to 30 minutes, and submission requests for the upcoming office hours in August and November 2024 will open 60 days prior to the event dates.

The Financial Technology and Access team will make efforts to accommodate meeting times during the requested office hour period, but due to a potential high volume of requests, they may not be able to fulfill every request. If a meeting cannot be scheduled, stakeholders are encouraged to request a meeting during a future open office hours period.

The NCUA’s Office of Financial Technology and Access is dedicated to identifying barriers, challenges, and opportunities for credit unions in adopting and using technology to provide financial products and services to their members. The office aims to promote the development and deployment of technologies that enhance financial inclusion and provide equitable and affordable consumer access within the credit union system.

For any questions concerning the office hours, stakeholders can reach out to fintechmail@ncua.gov.


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