• Mon. Jun 24th, 2024

Fire at Lithium Battery Plant in South Korea Claims Lives of 22 People | Economic Update


Jun 24, 2024

A tragic fire at a lithium battery plant in South Korea has resulted in the deaths of at least 22 people and the injury of eight others. The fire broke out at a factory in Hwaseong, located 45km south of Seoul, operated by the South Korean battery maker, Aricell. The blaze started at around 10:30am and was brought under control by authorities shortly after 3pm.

Authorities confirmed that among the deceased were 18 Chinese workers, one Laotian worker, and several others whose nationalities have not yet been determined. The exact cause of the fire was determined to be battery cells exploding inside the warehouse on the plant premises. Firefighter Kim stated that there were over 100 workers on site at the time, with around two dozen still unaccounted for.

In response to the tragedy, South Korean President Yoon Suk-yeol has directed authorities to utilize all available resources to search for and rescue any individuals who may still be trapped. The public in Hwaseong was urged to remain indoors and keep windows closed due to the thick smoke emanating from the fire.

Lithium batteries, commonly used in electronic devices and electric vehicles, have been known to pose a risk of explosion or fire if they overheat or are damaged. South Korea is a prominent hub for the production and export of lithium batteries, with major industry players including LG Energy Solution, Samsung SDI, and SK On operating within the country.


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