• Mon. Jul 8th, 2024

First virtual rat created by Harvard and Google to uncover brain’s role in movement control


Jun 12, 2024

Researchers from Harvard University and DeepMind, a Google-owned AI research company, have developed a virtual rat with an artificial brain capable of controlling complex and coordinated movements. The goal is to understand how the brain controls movement. This realistic digital model of the rat, featured in the journal Nature, represents a significant advancement in AI systems, as it translates intelligent thoughts into physical actions, specifically in limb movements.

To create the virtual rat, the researchers used real data recorded from rats in high resolution. They trained an artificial neural network to control the virtual body in a physics simulator called MuJoco, which replicates the forces present in a normal environment. Through experiments, the researchers found that the artificial brain activated similar neural control networks as real rat brains when faced with movement, indicating a high level of realism in the simulation.

The collaboration between Harvard researchers and Google DeepMind experts was instrumental in developing this virtual rat. The artificial neural network learned to produce the necessary forces to imitate a wide range of behaviors, even those it had not been explicitly trained for. This simulation opens up new possibilities for studying neural circuits compromised in diseases, using virtual animals that behave like real ones.

Future research will focus on giving the virtual rat autonomy to perform tasks similar to real rats. This technology, originally created for studying the brain, could also have applications in developing better robotic control systems. With Google DeepMind’s AI systems leading the way, the possibilities for using AI in various fields are vast.

In conclusion, the creation of a virtual rat with a realistic artificial brain represents a significant achievement in AI research. By translating intelligent thought into physical actions, this technology opens up new avenues for studying neural circuits and understanding complex behaviors in both animals and humans. Collaboration between researchers and AI experts is key to advancing this field and exploring the potential applications of AI in various industries.


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