• Tue. Jun 25th, 2024

Five students from the Applied Technology Center compete in national contest


Jun 25, 2024

Five students from the Region 14 Applied Technology Center at ConVal High School excelled at the New Hampshire Educators Rising Competition, earning spots in the top five. They will now be representing their school at the National Educators Rising Conference in Washington, D.C. The Region 14 ATC caters to students from the ConVal School District, Jaffrey-Rindge School District, and Mascenic Regional School District.

The students who will be competing at the national level are ConVal seniors Ella Morris, Emily Casey Hughes, and Isabel Andres, Mascenic Regional High School senior Angelina McCabe, and Conant High School junior Jaedin Bryan. They secured their places at the national competition during the event held at Great Bay Community College in March.

During the competition, the students participated in various categories, challenging them to explore different educational roles, lead lectures, debate ethical dilemmas, and more. For example, McCabe and Morris collaborated on a children’s book called “Afterschool Adventures” for the Children’s Literature category, earning fifth place. Hughes and Andres also created a children’s book titled “Rabbit’s Day Out,” which utilized an interactive felt board and secured them third place. Meanwhile, Bryan delivered a speech about her aspirations to become an educator, earning fourth place in the Educators Rising Moment category.

The students were supported by Sarah Grossi, a careers in education instructor, who accompanied them to the competition. At the upcoming national event in Washington, D.C., the students will have the opportunity to participate in breakout sessions, network with peers from around the country, compete for national titles, and hear keynote presentations from education leaders.


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