• Tue. Jul 2nd, 2024

Food companies mostly receive positive results in FAVV inspections


Jul 2, 2024

The Federal Agency for the Safety of the Food Chain (FASFC) conducted more than 106,000 inspections at around 56,000 companies in the food chain last year. The results of the inspections were favorable in 85 percent of cases, which is a similar figure to the previous year. In cases where the inspection yielded unfavorable results, the FAVV could take various measures such as issuing a warning (15,728 times), a report (10,044 times), or seizing products (2,174 times). If the health of consumers was at risk, the FAVV could also temporarily close down the company, a measure that was taken 399 times in 2023.

Furthermore, the FAVV collected and analyzed 64,648 samples of foodstuffs on the Belgian market, with 98 percent meeting the required standards. This high percentage indicates a strong level of food safety in the country. Additionally, 22,552 checks were carried out at over 21,000 distribution sector companies – which include catering, supermarkets, bakers, butchers, fishmongers, and large kitchens – resulting in a positive outcome in 69.3 percent of cases. The main areas of focus in this sector were providing accurate allergen information to consumers and maintaining proper hand hygiene standards.

The annual report also revealed that Belgian food companies recalled 254 products from consumers, with over 80 percent of recalls due to chemical or microbiological risks. Moreover, 85 warnings were issued, mostly because of allergen information missing on labels. The food safety barometer, reflecting the overall condition of food safety in Belgium, increased by 2.2 percent in 2023. Factors contributing to this increase included fewer cases of food poisoning, reduced occurrences of salmonellosis, and fewer instances of the bacterium campylobacter being found in carcasses and cut meat.

Federal Minister of Agriculture David Clarinval (MR) commended the professional sectors for their vigilance in adhering to food safety regulations, emphasizing that maintaining high standards is pivotal in ensuring consumer trust.


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