• Mon. Jul 8th, 2024

Foods that Will Survive as Temperatures Rise and Bacteria Risk Increases


Jul 5, 2024

“The July-August heat back then was very heavy,” wrote singer Shlomo Artzi, but in fact, this year it started even earlier – in June. June heat has become a real issue in Israel and around the world, adding to the emotional difficulties we face for months on end. The summer heat impairs our ability to ventilate and relax outside the home, impacting both our bodies and minds.

As temperatures rise during the summer, the risk of bacteria multiplying in food also increases, leading to potential food poisoning and health problems. Outdoor meals become more common in the summer – at the beach, pool, picnics, or al fresco dining, increasing the exposure of food to inadequate environmental conditions and chance of infections. Tendency to consume more fresh fruits in the summer also increases the risk of contamination if not properly washed.

The warm weather creates favorable conditions for the proliferation of viruses and bacteria in food and drink, which can cause digestive issues like diarrhea and vomiting. Humidity provides an environment for the development of fungi and molds, which can enter the body through contaminated food. Diarrhea and vomiting are common symptoms and can be caused by infections from various microorganisms.

Dehydration from diarrhea or vomiting can be a serious consequence, especially for sensitive populations like babies, pregnant women, the elderly, and those with weakened immune systems. Maintaining food safety is crucial to prevent infections and digestive symptoms. Proper food storage, handling, and hygiene practices are key to preventing food spoilage and potential illnesses in the summer months.

Summer fruits, with their high water content and soft texture, are especially vulnerable to spoilage due to bacteria growth and rapid ripening in high temperatures. Proper storage, cleanliness, and handling of fruits and vegetables are essential to preserving their quality and preventing infections. Maintaining appropriate temperature control, cooling cooked food promptly, and avoiding prolonged exposure of food to heat are important preventive measures.

Regularly washing hands, cleaning fruits and vegetables, and observing safe food handling practices are crucial in the summer to minimize the risk of foodborne illnesses. Consumers should be vigilant about food safety and take necessary precautions to avoid health issues associated with contaminated food. Summer is a time for enjoyment, but it’s also important to prioritize food safety to stay healthy and well.


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