• Tue. Jul 2nd, 2024

Frustrated by rising health care costs


Jun 19, 2024

It’s frustrating to see how the cost of insulin pumps keeps rising, especially for someone on a limited income like myself. The lack of help from the Federal government only adds to the financial burden, making it harder to afford essential medical supplies. The increased odds of going to the hospital due to this situation are alarming, but I continue to hope for the best.

On a different note, it’s disheartening to witness the lack of professionalism in some TV networks, such as a weather anchor wearing an ill-fitting suit. It speaks to a lack of respect for the audience and the job at hand. Dress codes should be enforced, especially in a public setting like a TV broadcast.

In terms of recycling, while removing labels from plastic and glass containers is a helpful practice, it is not mandatory. Most recycling facilities can handle labels during the recycling process, so it shouldn’t be a cause for concern. It’s important to focus on making recycling accessible and easy for everyone.

Lastly, the outrage over a mom feeding her child an unpurchased banana at a grocery store seems excessive. Many stores provide free fruit bins for this exact purpose, promoting healthy snacking for kids while shopping. It’s a win-win situation that shouldn’t be met with criticism, but instead, recognized for its positive impact.

On a positive note, it’s essential to acknowledge the hard work and professionalism of postal workers, like those at the Altamonte Springs post office. Despite facing challenging situations and difficult customers, they continue to provide excellent service with kindness and patience. It’s crucial to appreciate their efforts and show them the respect they deserve.


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