• Tue. Jun 4th, 2024

Funeral ceremonies commence for President Ebrahim Raisi of Iran following fatal plane crash


May 22, 2024

Thousands of people gathered in a funeral march on Tuesday to honor the late Iranian President, Ibrahim Raisi, who died in a helicopter accident. The commemorative events began in the city of Tabriz, where Raisi and six others lost their lives in a tragic accident. The procession started with an open truck carrying the coffins of the deceased, slowly making its way through Martyrs Square to the Badragh mosque. People threw flowers and scarves at the coffins to pay their respects.

Attendees at the funeral march displayed banners with portraits of the deceased and flags of countries related to Iran, such as Iraq, Yemen, and Hezbollah. The event marked the beginning of a series of ceremonies organized by the authorities to honor the victims of the plane crash. The supreme leader, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, declared five days of mourning in remembrance of those who lost their lives.

During the funeral march, Interior Minister Ahmed Vahidi expressed that Iran would overcome this tragic event despite the challenges. The interim president, Mohammad Mojber, announced that elections to choose the new president would be held on June 28. The investigation into the causes of the accident is ongoing, with Russia and Turkey offering assistance to Iran in determining what led to the crash.

The death of Raisi, a controversial figure known for his involvement in the “Death Committees”, has sparked mixed reactions among the Iranian population. While some mourn the loss of a conservative politician, others remember his controversial past. The funeral services will continue in different cities before Raisi is finally laid to rest in Mashhad, his birthplace.


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