• Thu. Jul 4th, 2024

Gaza residents attack Hamas: “May God punish them”


Jul 4, 2024

Almost nine months after the outbreak of the war, residents of the Gaza Strip are slowly starting to express criticism of Hamas without fear. Videos circulating on social networks show Gazans publicly defending the rule of Hamas, a stark contrast to the reality of October 7. In one video, a man, his face bloodied, denounces Hamas for the leadership’s role in the ongoing bloodshed. This video, along with others, has gone viral, signaling a shift in public opinion.

Reports indicate that Hamas has lost support among residents following the war and the massacre. Many Gazans now question Hamas’s tactics and leadership, with some even expressing anger and disillusionment. Changes in public opinion are also evident regarding the Day of the Massacre, as many residents now doubt Hamas’s actions on that day.

Recent events, such as the abduction of observers and the treatment of female soldiers during the war, have sparked discussions among Gazans about the compatibility of Hamas’s actions with Islamic law. Some residents have resorted to humor to express their protest, highlighting the tension and uncertainty among the population.

While measuring support for Hamas in Gaza is challenging due to the war and displacement of residents, there is a growing sense of criticism towards the organization. The lack of democratic elections in the region has limited residents’ ability to express their views, but recent polls and interviews suggest a shift in sentiment against Hamas.

Residents are increasingly questioning Hamas’s motives and goals, particularly regarding the war and demands for prisoner releases. Many feel that the sacrifices made by Gazans are not justified by Hamas’s actions and decisions. The growing dissent among residents indicates a changing landscape in Gaza’s political and social dynamics.


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