• Tue. Jun 25th, 2024

George Conway exposes global opinions of Trump


Jun 25, 2024

Conservative attorney George Conway didn’t mince words when discussing how the rest of the world views former President Donald Trump. On his podcast, “George Conway Explains,” he stated that Trump is essentially a figure of ridicule on a global scale. Conway noted that Trump and his supporters often shield themselves from this reality by only consuming right-wing media that supports their views.

Conway suggested that President Joe Biden could expose Trump’s true nature during an upcoming debate by deliberately provoking him. By doing so, Biden could highlight Trump’s weaknesses and vulnerabilities, giving his supporters a glimpse of how the world perceives the former president. According to Conway, in the world of MAGA (Make America Great Again) supporters, Trump is seen as a tough and intimidating figure. However, Conway argued that in reality, Trump is viewed as weak, foolish, and deserving of mockery by most people.

Conway expressed his desire to see Biden push Trump to the point of foaming at the mouth, believing that it would reveal Trump’s true character. He emphasized the importance of showcasing Trump’s vulnerabilities to his supporters, who may not fully grasp how he is perceived globally. The discussion also featured Sarah Longwell, the publisher of the anti-Trump conservative website The Bulwark, offering additional insights into Trump’s image both domestically and internationally.


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