• Sat. Jul 6th, 2024

Gidi Marcoszwaar barred from government minister position by Dutch authorities


Jun 14, 2024

In 2017, the politician made controversial statements about European Jews, calling them “sick” due to their support for immigration and the left. In 2021, he criticized the immigration policy of the Netherlands, referring to it as a “big crime against the Dutch people” and suggesting that responsible politicians should be brought to court. Recently, he also commented on the number of Ukrainian refugees in the Netherlands, questioning their motives for coming and highlighting the financial benefits they receive.

Marcoszwar, who moved from Israel to Amsterdam as a child, has a background in politics and previously served as a spokesman for the Likud party in the Netherlands before entering local politics. As for video recommendations, there are various websites that offer engaging content, from relaxation-focused platforms to those hosting adult videos. Whether it’s calming gardening tutorials, nature documentaries, eccentric documentaries, or retro cartoons, there is a wide range of options to choose from based on individual preferences and interests.

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