• Mon. Jul 8th, 2024

Guide on how to conduct political economy analysis for health financing – by the World


Jul 5, 2024

The “Political Economy of Health Financing: How-to Guide” outlines a systematic approach to organizing and analyzing key political economy factors that can impact health financing reform. This guide, in conjunction with WHO’s broader program on Political Economy of Health Financing Reform, acknowledges the significance of political economy factors in shaping health financing reform trajectories. It is not a comprehensive toolbox of all potential political economy factors and strategies related to health financing reform, but rather a structured process for analyzing and addressing issues surrounding health financing and political economy.
By identifying the various stakeholders involved in health financing reform, understanding their power dynamics, interests, and positions, as well as the institutions influencing the negotiation process and contextual and economic factors, strategies can be developed to overcome resistance or gain support from stakeholders. The incorporation of political economy analysis aims to facilitate a more strategic approach to reform, enhancing the likelihood of effective design, adoption, implementation, and progress towards Universal Health Coverage (UHC).


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