• Wed. Jun 26th, 2024

Hamas declines to send delegation to Cairo: Al-Mayadeen


Jun 8, 2024

A senior Hamas official informed Lebanese television channel Al-Mayadeen that the group has decided not to send a delegation to Cairo. They find the offer made by the mediators to be unacceptable. The official stated that they do not want to go back to square one and are demanding that Israel provide written consent to the last proposal. If this does not happen, Hamas will not return to negotiations.

The representative of the terrorist group mentioned that the United States and other mediators are asking Hamas to agree to their proposals before Israel’s consent is obtained. This condition is deemed unacceptable by Hamas. They believe that negotiations should not move forward without Israel’s consent first.

The official emphasized that Hamas is standing firm on their position and will not return to negotiations until Israel provides written consent to the last proposal. The group is not willing to accept any terms that they find unreasonable or unfair. Hamas remains committed to their stance and is not willing to compromise on their demands.


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