• Tue. Jun 25th, 2024

Hazlewood questions the need for significant changes despite Australia’s World Cup elimination


Jun 25, 2024

Josh Hazlewood, the fast bowler from Australia, believes that there is no immediate need to make significant changes to the ageing squad despite their failure to reach the semi-finals of the T20 World Cup. Australia’s loss to India pushed them to the brink of elimination, but they managed to stick around thanks to Afghanistan’s victory over Bangladesh. Looking ahead to the next World Cup in India and Sri Lanka in 2026, only Cameron Green from the current 15-man squad will be well under 30, at 24 years old. Green, an all-rounder, did not get a chance to play in this World Cup.

Hazlewood acknowledges that while there might be a couple of changes, many of the players in the squad still play competitive cricket in franchises, making them available for selection. He believes that any changes will likely happen gradually rather than drastically. However, he does highlight Australia’s poor performance in fielding during the tournament, pointing out several dropped catches in key games. Hazlewood also mentions the challenging playing conditions with high winds in St Lucia as a possible factor contributing to their fielding struggles.

Despite the shortcomings in their fielding, Hazlewood remains optimistic about the talent within the team, both in the current squad and on the bench. He emphasizes that the players are dedicated to their training and always strive to improve. While the T20 World Cup results may not have been as desired, Hazlewood appreciates the hard work put in by the team and looks forward to better performances in the future.


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