• Fri. Jun 28th, 2024

Health District workers in Southern Nevada demanding improved benefits and higher pay


Jun 28, 2024

Southern Nevada Health District workers took to the streets in a protest for higher pay and better benefits. They are union-represented workers who are experiencing staffing shortages and struggling to make ends meet amid rising inflation. The wage gap is making it challenging to retain and recruit new employees, which has only worsened since the pandemic.

Many of the protestors worked through the COVID-19 pandemic, putting themselves at risk to provide essential public health services. They are also voicing concerns about the high costs of healthcare benefits, with some considering taking on a second job to cover expenses.

When reached for comment on the protest, the health district stated that they are working with staff to come to a fair and equitable agreement. It is clear that these workers are dedicated to serving their community but are in need of better compensation and benefits to continue their important work.


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