• Tue. Jul 2nd, 2024

Hedgehogs at risk from robotic lawn mower


Jul 2, 2024

Nature | The studies mapped injuries and how the hedgehog reacted to the robot’s approach; often, the animal remained in place. German researchers investigated hedgehog injuries and behavior in front of a robot mower, concluding that the use of robotic lawnmowers can harm hedgehogs. The hedgehogs usually do not avoid the clipper but can learn from the first encounter, which helps in developing safer robotic lawnmowers.

If a hedgehog encounters a robot lawnmower in a garden at dusk, it can end badly as the hedgehog’s defense mechanism of curling up in a ball does not work against the robot. The research findings have prompted discussion in the Finnish media, and lawnmower manufacturers have shown interest in implementing them.

The studies conducted by German, British, and Danish researchers explored hedgehog injuries, behavior in front of robot mowers, and ways to test the safety of the devices. The first study mapped hedgehog injuries in Germany, finding that many injuries occurred on Sundays when other types of cutters are prohibited due to noise and robot mowers are used at night when hedgehogs are active.

The second study observed 50 hedgehogs’ reactions to robot mowers, showing that almost 40% stood still, 15% ran away, and 43% froze in place. The study speculated that hedgehogs could learn to avoid the cutter after the first encounter. The third study aimed to determine the best way to test the safety of clippers for hedgehogs and develop them better.

The researchers hope that the findings will lead to the classification of devices and the implementation of regulations for using robotic lawnmowers only during the day when hedgehogs are resting. Overall, the studies shed light on the potential harm posed by robot mowers to hedgehogs and the importance of developing safer alternatives.


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