• Mon. Jul 1st, 2024

Hezbollah brags about its threat to Israel, utilizes Iranian media for propaganda


Jul 1, 2024

Iranian state media websites have been actively promoting Hezbollah’s growing capabilities amidst escalating tensions with Israel. The message being conveyed is that Iran wants Israel and the region to perceive Hezbollah as strong and prepared for a potential future conflict.

Hezbollah tends to communicate its strength by making bold assertions about its capabilities or citing foreign media reports to bolster its claims. Often, they rely on Israeli media reports to emphasize their prowess. For example, a recent report from the Iranian state media website IRNA cited a former Israeli official stating that Hezbollah in Lebanon is one of the top five superpowers in terms of the number of rockets it possesses.

By using Iranian media to publicize such assertions, Hezbollah is able to boast about its military capabilities. This strategy of leveraging Israeli reports to enhance its own claims is a common tactic in the region, particularly with Iranian media. The context of Hezbollah’s tensions with Israel is crucial to understanding this dynamic.

As tensions continue to rise with Israel, Hezbollah is likely to further showcase its military capabilities. Recent incidents include claims of launching a Burkan rocket towards northern Israel and utilizing drones to attack Israel. The organization will continue to emphasize its strength as it navigates through the ongoing conflict with Israel.


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