• Thu. Jul 4th, 2024

Highlights of Health: Teaching Children to Be Prepared for Emergencies


Jun 5, 2024

During the summer, children often spend more time with older family members, which can be fun but also potentially dangerous if an emergency occurs such as a fall or heart attack. It is important for children to know what to do in an emergency, especially in a different setting than their own home. Leslie Ingold, the regional stroke coordinator at OSF HealthCare, advises that important information like addresses, phone numbers, and health needs should be easily accessible to children near the house phone or in their cell phones. Additionally, children should practice how to call 9-1-1 in case of an emergency.

Ingold emphasizes that children should not be afraid to call for help and should not worry about being questioned by a dispatcher. It is important to remind children to check on their older family members regularly to ensure their well-being after a medical event. Children should also be encouraged to tidy up trip hazards like toys and video game cords that could lead to accidents. Teaching children how to unlock the front door for first responders can also be beneficial in case of an emergency.

In summary, it is important for children to be prepared and know how to respond in case of an emergency involving older family members during the summer months. These simple steps can help ensure a quick and effective response in potentially life-threatening situations.


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