• Fri. Jun 7th, 2024

Highlights of the Cubs vs. Reds Game on Yahoo Sports


Jun 7, 2024

The Chicago White Sox scored a run against the Chicago Cubs thanks to an error by Cubs’ third baseman Christopher Morel. The mistake occurred when Morel misplayed a chopper hit by the White Sox’ Paul DeJong, allowing Andrew Vaughn to cross home plate and give the White Sox a 1-0 lead.

The play was a costly one for the Cubs, as it allowed the White Sox to take an early lead in the game. Morel’s error gave the White Sox an opportunity to capitalize on the mistake and put a run on the board.

Fans can watch the error and the resulting run scored by the White Sox online at NBC Sports Chicago’s website. The video highlights the defensive mishap by Morel and the hustle of the White Sox baserunners to take advantage of the opportunity.

Overall, the error by Morel proved to be a pivotal moment in the game, giving the White Sox an early lead and setting the tone for the rest of the matchup between the crosstown rivals.


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