• Tue. Jul 2nd, 2024

Hikmet Hajiyev: Armen Grigoryan’s Remarks Intended for Self-Justification


Jun 27, 2024

Hikmet Hajiev, assistant to the President of Azerbaijan, criticized the recent statements made by the Secretary of the Security Council of Armenia, Armen Grigoryan, accusing him of trying to cover up the guilt of the previous and current military-political leadership of Armenia. According to Hajiev, these statements aim to shift blame onto others and justify their own actions. He believes that such statements reflect a desire for revenge within the Armenian leadership.

In response to allegations of ceasefire violations by Azerbaijan, Armen Grigoryan denied any escalation from the Armenian side and stated that no shots were fired. He also made controversial remarks claiming that Russia played a role in taking Nagorno Karabakh from Armenians and handing it over to Azerbaijan, leading to tension in Armenian-Russian relations.

These developments in the Armenia-Azerbaijan conflict have sparked intense debate and criticism from both sides. The situation remains complex and contentious, with accusations and counter-accusations flying between the two countries. It is clear that the conflict is far from resolved, and tensions remain high.


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