• Thu. Jun 27th, 2024

How would a Trump presidency affect the global economy?


Jun 27, 2024

USSC Director of Research Jared Mondschein recently discussed the potential impact of a second Trump term on the global economy in an article on news.com.au. Mondschein analyzed Trump’s proposal to increase tariffs, suggesting that he would likely use this threat as a negotiation tactic to secure concessions rather than follow through with implementation.

In terms of speculation surrounding Trump’s potential influence on the Federal Reserve, Mondschein expressed doubt that Trump would make drastic changes, noting that the Senate would likely serve as a check on any extreme actions he might attempt to take. This suggests that the independence of the Federal Reserve may remain intact regardless of Trump’s intentions.

Furthermore, Mondschein addressed concerns about Trump potentially disrupting President Biden’s clean energy policy. He indicated that while collaboration between Australia and the US on clean energy and critical mineral supply chains is expected to continue, there may be a shift in emphasis away from the language of climate change in the rebranding of these efforts.


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