• Fri. Jun 7th, 2024

Illegal Immigrants are not Contributing to the Texas Economy


Jun 7, 2024

Recently, liberals in the media have raised concerns about the potential impact of deporting the 11 million illegal aliens currently living in the United States, suggesting that it could lead to a recession. Some are even going so far as to claim that states like Texas rely on illegal alien workers for their economy.

Dan Stein, from the Federation for American Immigration Reform, argues that this is just another example of Democrats changing their tune on immigration. He believes that the Democratic party has shifted away from their previous focus on American workers.

According to Stein, despite arguments made by liberals, illegal alien workers primarily benefit companies that take advantage of lower labor costs. In the end, it is the general public that ends up shouldering the increased tax burden resulting from illegal immigration.

Stein contends that any economic growth brought about by illegal aliens is not necessarily positive, and that a country should be able to sustain itself without relying on cheap labor imports. He highlights the importance of prioritizing the interests of American workers and ensuring that the economy benefits everyone.


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