• Mon. Jul 8th, 2024

Increasing the Reach of our Partnership to enhance the Health and Safety of Children in Additional Counties


Jun 3, 2024

WellSpan has been dedicated to improving children’s health, safety, and wellbeing for over 30 years in partnership with Safe Kids York County. Now, as Safe Kids expands to serve Adams, Franklin, and York counties, WellSpan continues its support under the new name Safe Kids South Central Pennsylvania. This support is driven by the Spotlight on Children’s Health initiative, which focuses on the needs of children from birth to 6 years old in various aspects like physical, emotional, intellectual, and developmental.

Ann Kunkel, vice president of community health and engagement at WellSpan, emphasizes the organization’s dedication to promoting the safety and wellbeing of children in the community. Preventable injuries are a leading cause of child deaths in the United States, which is why WellSpan provides education and resources to prevent potential tragedies for families. Safe Kids South Central Pennsylvania is part of Safe Kids Worldwide’s global network and aims to prevent childhood injuries by implementing evidence-based programs tailored to community needs such as car-seat checkups, safety workshops, and sports clinics.

Through its leadership in the expanded coalition, WellSpan will continue to provide advanced community support by offering dedicated staff, operational support, grant opportunities, and other resources to help keep children safe. Dr. Christopher Russo, medical director for pediatrics at WellSpan and co-chair of the coalition’s steering committee, highlights the importance of focusing on the youngest community members and their caregivers to create safe, stable, and nurturing environments. This approach helps break the cycle of disadvantage and allows the community to thrive for generations to come.

To learn more about WellSpan’s efforts to improve healthy communities, visit WellSpan.org. For information on Safe Kids South Central Pennsylvania, follow their updates on Facebook.


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