• Thu. Jun 27th, 2024

Indiana’s digital economy achieves record growth in latest quarter – Indianapolis News | Indiana Weather | Indiana Traffic


Jun 7, 2024

TechPoint’s recent report highlighted that Indiana’s technology sector had its strongest quarter yet in the first three months of 2024. The report revealed that the total deal value exceeded $300 million, with 29 different transactions taking place during this time period.

WISH-TV contributor Emil Ekiyor, who has knowledge of the local tech scene, discussed the significance of these findings. He emphasized that Indiana’s innovation economy covers a wide range of industries, indicating the diversity and growth within the state’s technology sector.

Ekiyor noted that the first quarter marked a significant milestone for the tech industry in Indiana, showcasing the state’s ability to attract investment and drive innovation in various fields. The report’s findings reflect the continued expansion and development of Indiana’s digital innovation landscape, positioning the state as a key player in the tech industry.

Overall, the report from TechPoint highlights Indiana’s success in the technology sector, with the first quarter of 2024 serving as a record-breaking period in terms of deal value and transaction volume. The state’s growing reputation as a hub for digital innovation underscores the potential for continued growth and success in Indiana’s technology industry.


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