• Tue. Jul 2nd, 2024

Indications of an abrupt rise in blood pressure


Jul 2, 2024

Sudden headache, chest pain, fatigue, and confusion are warning signs of high blood pressure, which can be life-threatening. Sudden high blood pressure is a condition in which systolic blood pressure is higher than 180 mmHg or diastolic blood pressure is higher than 120 mmHg. Normal blood pressure in a healthy person is around 120/80 mmHg. Severe complications of high blood pressure can include stroke, paralysis, and coma.

To address sudden high blood pressure, it is important to take immediate action. If the patient has weak breathing or no heartbeat, artificial respiration and chest compressions should be performed, and the patient should be taken to the nearest medical facility. If the patient is in a coma, they should be placed on their side to keep their airway clear. If the patient is still conscious, they should rest in a well-ventilated place and have their blood pressure monitored again after 15 minutes.

It is recommended that people over 40 monitor their blood pressure regularly and comply with medication. It is important to maintain a healthy lifestyle by eating a balanced diet, exercising regularly, and avoiding stimulants like alcohol, tobacco, and coffee. Monitoring blood pressure regularly, following a doctor’s treatment regimen, and having regular check-ups can help manage high blood pressure effectively. By incorporating lifestyle changes and healthy habits, individuals can reduce their risk factors for high blood pressure.


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