• Fri. Jun 28th, 2024

Is it necessary to peel star fruit before freezing?


Jun 28, 2024

Dishes made from crocodile fruit offer a unique and tangy flavor, perfect for a refreshing treat on a hot summer day. The green crocodile fruit has a sour and astringent taste, while the ripe fruit is sweet, cool, and hydrating, with a high water content of 86%. Additionally, it contains essential nutrients like calcium, iron, and vitamin C which can help cool down the body.

The season for star fruit is limited to the months of May to August each year, with the best time for storing and preserving the fruit being late June to early July. To enjoy star fruit all year round, it is recommended to store it in the refrigerator for long-term freshness.

When freezing crocodile fruit, it is important to peel the skin beforehand to prevent bitterness during cooking. Avoid leaving the fruit in the freezer and then defrosting it before peeling, as this can result in a soft and unhygienic texture. If peeling is difficult, consider seek professional crocodile skin peeling services or simply wash the fruit thoroughly before handling.

When choosing dracontomelon fruit, look for fruits that are freshly picked with the stem intact, bright green in color, thick pulp, and slightly rough skin. Avoid dark or bruised fruits, as well as young or old crocodile fruits with undesirable textures. For long-term preservation, store lemons and dracontomelon in the refrigerator, keeping lemons whole and separating dracontomelon into bags.

Due to its high sourness, star fruit may not be suitable for individuals with digestive, stomach, and colon conditions. It is advised not to consume star fruit on an empty stomach to avoid nausea and discomfort. Children under one year old should also limit their consumption of star fruit.


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