• Wed. Jun 26th, 2024

Is the US Economy Planned? Prepare to be Surprised – The Conversation


Jun 3, 2024

During the Cold War, a fierce debate emerged regarding the effectiveness of economic planning in the USSR versus the free-market economy in the U.S. Arguments against planned economies highlighted issues such as information processing limitations, the challenges of production forecasts, and the rigidity of centralized plans. With the collapse of the Soviet Union, economic planning was seemingly deemed obsolete. However, the discussions from that era continue to hold relevance today.

Recent research indicates that just 1% of American companies control the majority of U.S. production-related assets and sales revenue. This concentration of economic power underscores the importance of planning, particularly in coordinating activities across global supply chains. While many Americans may not think much about planning, it plays a vital role in not just ensuring the availability of consumer products but also in driving the overall economy.

Dan Pellathy, assistant professor and director of operations at the Advanced Supply Chain Collaborative, has been researching how businesses are navigating the complexities of supply chain management through effective planning strategies. For more detailed insights, readers can refer to The Conversation, a platform that features expert analysis from academics like Pellathy that is accessible to the general public.

As a member of The Conversation, the University of Tennessee aims to offer a deeper understanding of the research and expertise of its faculty through collaborations like these. For more information or inquiries, please reach out to Cindi King at 865-974-0937 or cking126@utk.edu.


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