• Wed. Jun 26th, 2024

Israel initiates a fresh ground offensive in central Gaza.


Jun 5, 2024

The IDF has announced that they have started a ground incursion into the Al Bureij refugee camp in the Gaza Strip. They had previously withdrawn from this area in January after weeks of an offensive and subsequent isolated attacks. The operation is a combined effort of air and land forces targeting Hamas terrorists in the region.

The military operation is guided by intelligence services and is focused on the Al Bureij camp, located south of the Netzarim corridor. The IDF announced that they had destroyed a Hamas tunnel in the area that was 1.5 kilometers long and 23 meters deep. In the past, the IDF has found tunnel entrances and weapons manufacturing facilities used by Hamas in Al Bureij during previous incursions.

In the recent past, the IDF has had to return to different points in the Gaza Strip, particularly in the north and center, due to the regrouping of Hamas members and other terrorist factions like Palestinian Islamic Jihad. Night raids have been conducted in camps like Al Bureij and Nuseirat involving infantry forces, tanks, armored vehicles, and helicopters to target terrorist activities in the region.


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