• Tue. Jun 25th, 2024

Japanese mother and minor among three injured in knife attack on school bus in China


Jun 25, 2024

A Japanese mother and child, along with a Chinese citizen, were involved in a knife attack on a school bus in Suzhou, China on Monday night. The Japanese authorities reported that the alleged perpetrator, believed to be Chinese, has been detained and is undergoing interrogation to determine the motive for the attack. The Japanese government spokesperson, Yoshimasa Hayashi, stated that Tokyo plans to send personnel to assist in the investigation and support the victims. There is no indication that the suspect specifically targeted Japanese citizens.

The incident occurred at a stop in a residential area near a Japanese school in Suzhou. A Japanese woman and her son were slightly injured, while a Chinese school transport worker was seriously injured. Witnesses reported seeing the attacker with a knife, causing fear among bystanders. The Japanese Consulate General in Shanghai has urged Japanese nationals to remain cautious and vigilant while in China.

This attack comes in the wake of a similar incident two weeks prior, where four American teachers were stabbed in the Chinese province of Jilin. The incidents highlight the importance of safety and awareness when traveling abroad. As investigations continue, Japanese authorities are working to ensure the well-being of their citizens in China.


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