Categories: Sports

Jose Quintana attributes successful performance against Padres to Francisco Alvarez

On Saturday, Jose Quintana delivered an outstanding performance in the Mets’ 5-1 victory over the Padres. Quintana pitched six innings, allowing only two hits and one earned run while striking out six. This win marked his first since April 11. Interestingly, this game also saw Francisco Alvarez behind the plate for a Quintana start for the first time since their previous win together.

Quintana was quick to credit Alvarez for his performance, praising his work behind the plate. Having Alvarez back meant Quintana could focus on executing his pitches without having to check back too often. The veteran left-hander emphasized that today’s key was focusing on the details of each pitch and executing them effectively.

Alvarez had been out of play due to a thumb injury since April 19 but finally returned earlier this week. Although his offensive contribution has been minimal with only two hits in 14 plate appearances, the impact he has on pitchers like Quintana is undeniable. Quintana lauded Alvarez for his instincts, especially in observing swings and strategizing the next move. This ability to quickly adapt and make thoughtful decisions makes Alvarez a valuable asset on the team.

For Quintana, this game could potentially be a turning point after struggling to get through the early innings in his last two starts. The double play he completed during the game gave him an extra boost of confidence, and he felt in control of all his pitches throughout the game. Quintana expressed his joy in the game, emphasizing that baseball was fun when the team collectively executed plays effectively.

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