• Thu. Jun 27th, 2024

Junior at Elwood High School Named Champion in Veterinary Science


Jun 9, 2024

Elwood-John H. Glenn High School junior Lauren Vega, participating in the veterinary science program through Wilson Tech, recently competed in the New York State Veterinary Science Career & Leadership Development Event in Buffalo. The competition, organized by the National Future Farmers of America (FFA), involves critical thinking, knowledge assessment, and presentation of veterinary science concepts to judges. Vega and her Wilson Tech team demonstrated exceptional skills through rigorous activities aimed at testing their understanding and application of veterinary science knowledge. Their outstanding performance earned them first place, making them the New York State FFA champions in veterinary science.

Teacher Ricky Greening expressed his pride in Vega’s achievements, noting her remarkable growth and transformation over the years. This achievement is a testament to Vega’s dedication and hard work in pursuing her passion for veterinary science. The victory in the competition highlights her talents and skills in the field, showcasing her potential for future success in the industry. Vega’s success is a source of inspiration for her peers and serves as a reminder of the rewards that come with hard work and determination. The Elwood School District congratulates Vega and her Wilson Tech team on their well-deserved victory and wishes them continued success in their future endeavors.


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