• Fri. Jun 28th, 2024

Kamala Harris Agrees: Biden Had a Tough Debate


Jun 28, 2024

During a CNN interview after the debate, Kamala Harris commented on Joe Biden’s performance, stating that it was a slow start that was evident to everyone. She acknowledged that Biden flailed in his first debate against Donald Trump and mentioned that it was a weak beginning. Harris attempted to downplay the significance of the performance by pivoting towards the Biden administration’s record and emphasizing Trump’s anti-democratic comments and opposition to abortion rights. Despite some concerns about Biden’s performance, Harris reiterated the importance of the choice between the candidates in November.

Harris, who is among several Democrats that could potentially replace Biden as the party’s presidential nominee, spoke about the debates emphasizing the high stakes involved in the upcoming election. She addressed the panic among many Democrats following the debate, where Biden appeared frail and made nonsensical comments. Harris stressed the importance of focusing on the choice between the candidates rather than solely dwelling on Biden’s debate performance, highlighting the critical decisions that voters will have to make in November.


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