• Mon. Jun 24th, 2024

Laredo Health Department conducts wastewater analysis to identify drug usage patterns


Jun 24, 2024

The City of Laredo Health Department has started a new initiative to identify areas with drug use issues through a wastewater study. This study, which began several months ago, now includes the detection of drugs being used by community members. Dr. Richard Chamberlain from the Laredo Health Department explains that they are able to identify certain drugs in the water from residents’ homes, such as xylazine, fentanyl, cocaine, meth, and tobacco. They also look at the presence of naloxone, a drug used for overdoses, in the community through wastewater analysis. This information helps them identify where education and outreach efforts are needed, so they can provide resources and support to those affected.

The goal of this initiative is to provide targeted education and support to individuals struggling with drug use in the community. By analyzing wastewater from households, health officials can paint a clearer picture of the areas that may require more resources and interventions. Dr. Chamberlain mentioned that this data helps them determine where education and outreach efforts, such as the knock-and-talk program, should be deployed. This allows them to reach people in their homes and provide them with valuable information about drug usage and available resources.

The City of Laredo Health Department is dedicated to addressing the issue of drug use in the community by utilizing innovative strategies like the wastewater study. By understanding the extent of drug use through wastewater analysis, they can better target their efforts and provide support to those in need. This proactive approach to addressing drug use highlights the department’s commitment to promoting healthier and safer communities.


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