• Wed. Jun 26th, 2024

Latest: Evo Morales leads MAS congress in Bolivia and invites President Luis Arce to participate


Jun 8, 2024

The former president of Bolivia and leader of the ruling Movement towards Socialism (MAS), Evo Morales (2006-2019), announced that his party congress will be held next Monday. He presented a legal appeal for the electoral body to supervise the meeting in which a new board will be elected. Morales stated that invitations have already been sent out to President Luis Arce, Vice President David Choquehuanca, ministers, and ambassadors. The congress will take place in Villa Tunaria town in the Tropic of Cochabamba, which is the political and union stronghold of MAS.

Morales explained that the congress will have 1,300 regular delegates, along with at least 20,000 colleagues who will participate. He also mentioned that he submitted a memorial to the First Constitutional Chamber of La Paz requesting a precautionary measure to guarantee the congress. Morales expressed hope that the electoral body would authorize the supervision of the congress on June 10.

The congress is scheduled to take place at the Villa Tunari stadium on Monday amid tensions with President Arce’s ruling bloc. Morales and Arce have been at odds since 2021, and their differences deepened last year over leadership issues within MAS. The electoral body previously rejected a congress convened by social organizations related to the Arce Government in May, leading to further tensions between the two factions.


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