• Fri. Jun 28th, 2024

Leuven’s KU Leuven University Hall Vandalized with Red Paint and Covered in Pro-Palestinian Posters


Jun 7, 2024

The University Hall of KU Leuven in Naamsestraat was recently vandalized with red paint and covered with pro-Palestinian posters, leading to clean-up efforts starting at 8:45 am by the technical services of the university. The posters criticized the university’s collaborations with Israeli universities, as well as the lack of transparency of the EC DMM, the ethics committee that evaluates the collaborations. These actions were linked to @kul.student.encampment, a group of students who have occupied a college building for nearly four weeks.

Pro-Palestinian activists announced a poster campaign in Leuven after denouncing what they believe to be misinformation from the university regarding their collaborations with Israeli institutions. KU Leuven’s rector, Luc Sels, recently sent a message to staff members offering psychological guidance and trauma care for Palestinian professors and students, which the activists found inadequate.

Despite plans for a protest at the University Hall, it was cancelled. KU Leuven expressed strong regret over the vandalism, stating that the defacing of their buildings does not promote respectful dialogue. The university emphasized its commitment to being a safe community for all colleagues and students, fostering open and respectful dialogue especially during times of conflict and polarization. While remaining open to dialogue, KU Leuven insists that it must be conducted in a respectful manner.


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