• Tue. Jun 11th, 2024

Life Jackets Remain Vital as Drownings Increase


Jun 11, 2024

As summer begins and kids get out of school, health experts at Bellin and Gundersen Health System are reminding the public about the importance of wearing life jackets when near water. Recent data from the Centers for Disease Control shows that drowning deaths are increasing, with over 4,500 people in the U.S. losing their lives to drowning each year between 2020 and 2022. This is a significant increase from 2019.

With more people heading to the water this summer, health officials stress the importance of wearing a life jacket, knowing how to swim, and being aware that drownings can happen silently. It is not always a loud and noticeable event like it is often portrayed in movies and TV shows. Drownings can occur quickly in as little as 20 to 60 seconds, with distressed swimmers often unable to call for help.

Kelly Hilsabeck, a Trauma Injury Prevention Coordinator at Bellin and Gundersen Health System, emphasizes the importance of water safety and the need for everyone to be cautious around water. The CDC report also highlights that over 55% of American adults have not taken swimming lessons, but it is never too late to learn. Remember that prevention is key when it comes to water safety. Stay safe and enjoy the summer responsibly.


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