• Sun. Jun 30th, 2024

Lightning caused critical injuries to the woman


Jun 5, 2024

A 30-year-old woman from Thanh Tri was struck by lightning while cutting vegetables in the field, causing her heart to stop and her breathing to cease. Her family administered first aid with chest compressions before rushing her to Agriculture General Hospital on the morning of June 5. Doctors at the hospital continued chest compressions and artificial respiration for 15 minutes, eventually reviving her heartbeat. However, she remains in a deep coma, on a ventilator, with a high likelihood of death.

In Hanoi, there was moderate to heavy rain with thunder and lightning on June 5, with 460 lightning strikes recorded by the Center for Hydrometeorological Forecasting in just 10 minutes. Lightning is a dangerous weather phenomenon that poses a threat to both people and property, causing hundreds of casualties in Vietnam each year.

According to doctors, injuries from lightning strikes are complex, with a slim chance of survival due to the electric current disrupting the body’s biological processes and causing muscle contractions, particularly in the heart. To reduce the risk of being struck by lightning, people should avoid open spaces, tall trees, and high voltage poles during thunderstorms, refrain from seeking shelter under eaves or standing in large groups, and avoid using electronic devices.

In the event of a lightning strike, immediate first aid is crucial, followed by prompt medical attention at the nearest healthcare facility. It is important to seek emergency treatment to prevent further harm and increase the chances of survival.


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