• Fri. Jun 7th, 2024

Lithuania Suggests Attacking Belarus, Prompting Russia to Warn of Possible Consequences


Jun 7, 2024

The Russian Government has issued a warning stating that they would take responsibility for any aggression against Belarus and highlighted the serious consequences it would have for regional security. This warning came after Lithuania suggested that Belarus could be a legitimate target for Ukraine if Russian military objectives were deployed there.

Russian Foreign Affairs spokesperson Maria Zakharova emphasized that any aggression against Belarus would be considered an intrusion into Russian territory according to the new military doctrine of the State of the Union, an alliance of Moscow and Minsk. She mentioned that this would have serious consequences due to the presence of Russian troops and nuclear weapons in Belarus, which are meant to defend the western borders of both the Union State and the Collective Security Treaty Organization.

In a recent meeting of NATO foreign affairs chiefs in Prague, the head of Lithuanian diplomacy, Gabrielius Landsbergis, suggested that Ukraine should be able to attack Belarusian territory if Russian military objectives were present there. This statement has added to the tensions in the region.

Overall, the situation highlights the complicated geopolitical dynamics in Eastern Europe and the potential for conflict escalation. It underscores the importance of diplomatic efforts to de-escalate tensions and ensure regional security.


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