• Mon. Jun 24th, 2024

Malta corruption scandal ensnares Steward Health Care executives


Jun 24, 2024

The most sweeping corruption trial in the history of Malta began with a former prime minister and several high-ranking government officials walking into a courthouse surrounded by police. Onlookers crowded the narrow streets, expressing their distrust in the government and disdain for those who allegedly abused their power. Supporters of the accused claimed the trial was a witch hunt and shouted at local journalists.

During the eight-hour court session, the judge carefully read out the formal charges against the defendants. Seventy-eight boxes of prosecution evidence were lined up in the courtroom. While the proceedings were in Maltese, the judge repeatedly mentioned “Steward Health Care” in English.

This trial is significant for the Mediterranean country, drawing attention from the public and media. The defendants include powerful figures in the government who are accused of corruption. The court case is a historic event in Malta’s legal system and sheds light on alleged misuse of power for personal gain. The trial is expected to uncover the truth behind the corruption scandal and hold those responsible accountable.


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