• Thu. Jun 27th, 2024

Man dies in fatal accident during Turkish motorcade in Berlin


Jun 27, 2024

A horrific accident occurred in Berlin where a man was hit by a car and died while Turkish fans were celebrating a victory. The crash took place around 11:20 p.m. in the district of Neukölln. A Mercedes-AMG was speeding down Hermannstrasse when it hit a pedestrian who was thrown 20 meters through the air and landed on the asphalt between parked cars. The driver and two others in the car fled the scene, leaving the victim covered in blood. Despite attempts at resuscitation, the man could not be saved.

The driver eventually turned himself in to the police station an hour after the accident. The car was a rental and police are investigating the cause of the accident. Meanwhile, celebrations for the Turkish victory caused chaos in other parts of Berlin, with fans bringing traffic to a standstill, setting off fireworks, and engaging in altercations with the police.

The police had to close down streets and make several arrests to control the situation. Despite the tragic accident and the disturbances caused by the celebrations, the city eventually returned to calm, and investigations into the incident are ongoing.


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