• Wed. Jun 26th, 2024

Man from Sperry suffers devastating loss as home and business are destroyed in fire


May 22, 2024

Mark Roberts, the director of Tulsa Spotlight Theater, is facing a double tragedy as his home and long-time business were destroyed by a fire. Roberts expressed his devastation as 25 years of hard work went up in flames in just 25 minutes. Birdhouses by Mark, a passion project that he worked on for decades as a Navy veteran, was also lost in the fire. Everything from tools to supplies was destroyed, leaving Roberts to start from scratch.

The fire, which occurred on May 10, not only destroyed Roberts’ home and business but also took the lives of a dog and a cat. The financial impact of losing his business is a concern for Roberts, as the income from the birdhouses helped support their household expenses. Rebuilding the house and replacing nearly $30,000 worth of tools will require months of work, but Roberts remains hopeful and determined to recover from this setback.

Despite the challenges he faces, Roberts is not giving up hope and is determined to rebuild his business and move forward. He is optimistic about the future and is focused on restoring what was lost. Roberts’s dedication to his work is evident in his involvement with local organizations like the Tulsa Zoo and Tulsa Farmers Market. For those interested in supporting him in rebuilding his tool collection, a link is provided for donations.


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