• Wed. Jul 3rd, 2024

Maryland to Develop Plan for Improving Children’s Mental Health


Jul 3, 2024

The Maryland Department of Health is working on a new approach to childhood behavioral health to enhance policy and take tangible steps towards improving mental health for young people throughout the state. Maryland Health Secretary Dr. Laura Herrera Scott highlighted the importance of investments in crisis services for youth and new school-based initiatives, in collaboration with other state agencies. Despite these improvements, there are still significant gaps in care for children and youth in need.

To address these challenges, MDH is partnering with the Maryland Coalition of Families, a leading organization that assists families and youth in navigating the behavioral health system, and Manatt Health, a policy and strategy firm that specializes in addressing behavioral health crises in young people at a national level. Together, these organizations will conduct an initial assessment of children’s mental health in Maryland and develop recommendations by the end of the year, including a detailed map of proposed policy changes and steps to enhance behavioral health services.

Recent data from MDH’s youth risk behavior survey revealed troubling trends in childhood mental health in Maryland. Nearly one third of students reported feeling sad or hopeless between 2021 and 2022. LGBTQ+ students in particular expressed feeling unsafe discussing their issues with adults, with 68% reporting difficulty talking to an adult about their feelings compared to 54% of heterosexual students. Nationally, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, a significant percentage of students, both male and female, reported feelings of sadness.

In response to these findings, MDH is committed to addressing the mental health needs of Maryland’s youth by collaborating with key organizations and developing a comprehensive plan to improve access to care and support for children and teenagers struggling with behavioral health issues.


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