• Thu. Jun 27th, 2024

Mattarella: “Politics should not influence judicial appointments”


Jun 12, 2024

The recent events in some Western democracies have highlighted the serious consequences that can arise when the pillars of the rule of law are eroded. The President of the Republic, Sergio Mattarella, expressed concern during a meeting with a delegation from the European Network of Councils for Justice (Encj). He emphasized the importance of preserving the independence of the judiciary, as any political interference or loss of autonomy for judges could compromise the rule of law.

Mattarella stressed the collective responsibility of the European judiciary to oppose any actions that threaten the independence of the judiciary. He stated that the subjection of all power to the law is a fundamental principle that must be upheld to maintain the integrity of the rule of law. Without judicial independence, the President warned that the rule of law would be significantly undermined.

The President highlighted that the independence of the judiciary is not only a prerogative of individual judges, but also a right of every citizen. He emphasized that safeguarding judicial independence is crucial for upholding the democratic state and protecting the fundamental rights of citizens. Mattarella referenced the European Court of Justice, which has stated that the independence of judges is essential for ensuring a fair trial and protecting rights.

In conclusion, the President reiterated that the independence of the judiciary is a constitutive element of the democratic state. He emphasized the role of the judiciary in safeguarding equality and dignity, highlighting the importance of defending judicial independence to uphold the rule of law.


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