• Mon. Jul 1st, 2024

Men Break World Record by Passing Giant Beach Ball 7,827 Times


Jul 1, 2024

On July 1, two men from Idaho successfully reclaimed a Guinness World Records title by spending 1 hour, 8 minutes, and 52 seconds passing a giant inflatable ball back and forth 7,827 times. David Rush, who is known for breaking numerous Guinness World Records, joined forces with Seth Lemmons to recapture the title they originally set in 2021 with 4,169 passes.

Rush shared that he and Lemmons pushed through the pain in their necks, arms, and shoulders to successfully complete 7,827 passes within the timeframe of 1 hour, 8 minutes, and 52 seconds. This was enough to retake the title and bring Rush’s total number of concurrently-held records to 179.

In order to reach the top spot in the world, Rush needs to hold 181 titles concurrently. With this recent record-breaking achievement, he is steadily working towards that goal. The pair’s determination and teamwork allowed them to reclaim their title and continue their mission to break and hold numerous Guinness World Records.


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