• Thu. Jun 27th, 2024

Mental health professionals express concern over rising rates of depression in boys – NBC 5 Dallas-Fort Worth


Jun 27, 2024

Mental health specialists are expressing concern that depression among young and teenage boys is going unnoticed and untreated. A recent study has indicated that there is a significant decrease in boys seeking mental health care.

Experts believe that boys often struggle to express their emotions openly. This is not necessarily a stereotype but rather how many boys and young men deal with issues such as anxiety, grief, and loneliness. They may not feel comfortable sharing their feelings due to societal expectations or self-imposed pressure.

According to family therapist Jay Barnett, young boys tend to internalize their emotions, leading to outward symptoms that are the opposite of what may be expected. They might exhibit aggressive behavior, irritability, and a short temper. The lack of a constructive model for emotional expression could be contributing to this issue.

Research published in the Journal of Pediatrics revealed that while the use of antidepressants has increased significantly among teenage girls and women in their 20s, the rate has sharply declined for young men in 2020 and has not recovered. This trend is raising concerns about the implications for the mental health of these young men as they age.

Experts fear that a generation of young males may struggle to regulate their emotions, leading to heightened aggression and dismissiveness. Without the necessary tools to cope with their feelings, these young men may face challenges in managing their mental health and relationships in the future.


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