• Thu. Jun 27th, 2024

Microsoft urges IT decision makers to prioritize technology investments, according to Technology Record.


Jun 27, 2024

A recent report by Microsoft revealed that 40% of IT decision makers in the UK believe their organization is falling behind due to a lack of investment in new technology. The report, titled The AI+Talent Equation, also highlighted that 89% of workers who use artificial intelligence daily would use it more if they had the right tools.

Microsoft emphasized the importance of investing in technology to stay competitive and meet the growing demands of employees. The study showed that 25% of workers feel their current work PC is not powerful enough to run AI, while 29% believe their device is slowing down their work. This has led 60% of employees considering changing jobs to say they would likely stay longer if their employer helped them develop more digital skills.

Alan Slothower, head of surface commercial at Microsoft UK, stressed the need for IT decision makers to prioritize providing AI-ready PCs and effective training. He mentioned that empowering staff in this way, especially younger generations, is crucial for retention and career engagement in today’s rapidly evolving workplace.


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